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Showing posts from February, 2006

head's gone all explody.

what a long week.. slept maybe 3 hours all week.. i was exhausted.. glad that mid terms are over.. 2 months to go.. going to take my week off to do homework and so introspective time as well as packing... absolutly don't want final exams to be that horrible... my head feels like it's going to explode and that's after 17 hours of sleep.. i'm gonna get real freindly with my television and my dvd player for the next few days.. need some time to let my mind wander. Current music: Slayer: Chemical Warfare Current Mood: overtired and less exhausted than yesterday.


great weekend... last one full of bullshit and intereference for a while... he was happy.. finished off our pizza.... i got one slice... was tired but survived... happy to be home and be going into midterms.. looking forward to tommorow.. huge wieght off my shoulders now that i don't have to tiptoe around the subject with my monster... hopefully soon the two will meet and my ego will dwindle in comparison. current mood: happier than i've been in a long time current music: breadline, megadeth,


great time at the horshosoe. affter affects not so mgood.. starting to deal with multiple personality in head.. mybe this where bones truly belongs... tired.. sobering up me i likey coffee... it's been a long day.. less angry then i was yesterday.. hurting.... stabbbed in the back by an olive branch agian. who the fuck is cheif and what the fuck is his good energy? quit playing games.

why does someone always have to...

why does someone always have to... turn a negative into a positive.. i swear .. i'm getting really fucking depressed pissed off i don't know how to feel.. so sick of trying... i try and be nice and get it shoved back into my face. why bother? why care? anger is so much easier to deal with. current mood: Fucking Hostile... Deal with it.

my weekend.

sat around waiting for next weekend.. because it's actually important... did some homework and enjoyed the snow.. (i hate snow) who the fuck is Ice-t? Current Mood: cheerful Current Music: silence

Little Blue Dad.

There once was a Dad who had a child and, though no fault of his own, got divorced. "Who will help raise this child?" asked the mother. "I will", said the Dad. "We won't unless we get paid lots of money," said the big red daycare. "We won't let you unless Dad pays us lots of money," said the big red family responsibility office. "We won't let you unless you pay us lots more taxes," said the big red tax department. "I won't but if you pay me lots of money, I will drag it through court until your money is all gone," said the big red lawyer. "I won't," said the big red judge. "I won't" said the big red politician. So the little Dad paid, but they still didn't let him raise his child. He was sad and blue. But the child, also sad and blue, grew up with problems. The blue child asked, "Who will help me with my homework in high school? Who will help me resist drugs, gangs, violence...

what winter sport am I?

You Are Bobsledding You're not a world class athlete, but you are a world class maniac. Your need for speed could have you blazing past the finish line! What Winter Sport Are You?

two down, one to go.

man sometimes an overload on university papers can wear someone out.. and next week it's all about midterms... ah hell 3 months left and then i'm done... freedom is looking pretty interesting to me right now.. i might actually have time to write interesting things agian... not to mention being out of school will be an entirely new adventure wish i could share it with you.. but you are responsible for the knife you keep pulling in and out of my back. Current Mood: determined Current Music: Limp Biskit, No sex.