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Showing posts from January, 2008

I'm Scooby Doo

"Scooby-dooby-doo!" As the worlds most popular cartoon dog and the cornerstone of Mystery Inc. - you sure do have it all going for you. While your enemies may accuse you of cowardice, we all know that when it matters, your bravado really shines through - if not for friends, at least for a Scooby Snack!

Another day...

another day, another Bill, i really need to make a decision soon about what i'm going to do.. do i move downtown or do i move somewhere that m,akes more sense in terms of employment... there is some serious frustration happening right now... i'm torn between a world that was an dwhat people want to prentend that i still am and the reality that is... fourtunatley i have some supports even if they aren't directly right beside me.. i think i need to make some decisions on my own without assistance this time tho... it would be almost easier just to flip a coin and have the deciosn made for me.. Current Mood: Confused, frustrated, agrravated. pick one.

I need a car.

arrgh... another Job that i would have gotten but the fact i don't have wheels kinda killed the idea.. i really need to get a freaking car...when all signs including the boy are reminidning me that i need a car it's time to get a job, get some money, and get some driving lessons... Current Mood: Frustrated by the lack of a vehicle.

the words of children...

the words of children have wisdom. nothing validates a once great love than the fact that he loves us both equally. Current Mood: Happy.


i'm looking forward to moving home if this thing pans out.. at least here i won't have to deal with the insane behaviors of st. catherines. Current mood: Positivety... maybe things will turn out for the better,