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Showing posts from November, 2007

the dance card....

the dance card is certianily busy this week i have 4 count em four upcoming job interviews in the next week and who knows what else will come my way... 4 cities in 5 days sometimes i feel like my head will explode.. ah whatever it will change things.. nothing like having $$$ in the wallet. grown up time. Current Mood: exhausted, i was enjoying my little vacation. Current Music: No Leaf Clover,Metallica.

November rain... turns to snow.

i am so glad that this month is almost over..... two weeks and everything changes. Current Mood: Pissed. Current Music: Estranged, Guns and roses. When you're talkin to yourself And nobody's home You can fool yourself You came in this world alone (Alone)

the Great Dictator part II.

I cant understand how a certain someone thinks she is the dictator of the southwestern region and that she has no consquences to her actions.


another day another set of problems.. at least things that would have seemeed garguatuan in the past are not looking like end of the world scenarios anymore.. things are looking up and being positive although there hasn't been much change in the horizon.... i'm starting to think it's just a matter of visualiaztion and an attitude.. who knows... current mood: positive.

Santa Claws?

another mindnumbing useless job i have applied too.. Mall santa.. but tis the season to make some money... give me a job... any job.. even a seasonal one... plus i know a little someone that would think it was awesome that i'm being one of santa's helpers out in the world. Current Mood: Happy.


that would be really reaching into the past and bringing it full circle wouldn't it... it's an opening to a new window... the old bitternesses about toronto and the old freinds are gone.. it's time to start over somewhere a little more comfortable... i am going batshit in thorold.... i need out... I wanna get out of here I wanna, I wanna get out of here I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here IgottagetoutahereIgottagetoutahereIgottagetoutahere Ya gotta let me out of here Let me outta here I gotta get outta here Let me outta here I gotta get outta here Let me outta here I gotta get outta here frustation is filling my soul.. there are some positives but right now the confusion over 3 destinies is clouding everything... it should be interesting to see the next move on the chess board will be... the games and the mental instabilty are to the forefront... the next month of communication should be interesting and/or tell us nothing at all. i cover myself and my brood in p...