Merry fucking HOHo... this holiday just keeps getting better, the fact i have to wait till january for a great many things does not make this holiday seem any more impressive to me, nothing like working this holiday alone. some people don't understand and want to lecture first thing in the morning about being Late for work on a day where I didn't need to be up early and doesn't understand situation about weather, holiday etc. Yes I need a car, yes it might be a good idea to move here, I don't need the lecture today. I am thinking about moving to brantford but i have responsibilitys elsewhere and there isn't much of a thin line between work and welfare right now. i don't really give two shits about this holiday, i was hoping for a happy new year but i got fucked for that too due to attitude and $$$, so fucking what.. it's not like there's anyone else in my life like a dependant that depends on me or anything.
Current Mood: Pissed.