I have made war upon her, but I have never been her enemy. You don’t need me. You need to constantly play the victim and I am the ultimate bad guy in all you’re fantasies, except you’re reality is worse than that and you fucking well know it. You don’t love me, you love the idea of me... you know I’m always going to be there and I’m always going to attempt to do the right thing no matter if I fucking like it or not... and I hate that you make me feel that way. You’re childish delusional life leaves a bitter taste in my mouth it always has. Ten years on, I tried to stop caring but I couldn’t. Somewhere inside I still have emotions buried, but this last betrayal stings and reminds me for all you’re pretty words they are still bullshit, I haven’t forgotten or forgiven what you took from us a decade ago, the lives and the worlds you destroyed. I just tried to make peace and attempt to forgive you for destroying me, I only succeeded in destroying myself mor...