Lets burn some fucking bridges, I’m sick of everyone that thinks they are supposedly my friend that only has a use for me for their own agenda. This weekend will tell exactly what happens next with everything but I’m pretty sure that with my responsibilities and concerns that I can continue to do my own thing and be just as happy, probably happier not bothering to do anything with these associated losers from Hamilton. I left this city once, I have no problem from disassociating from other social circles here. Same as leaving the drama associating with people that seem to love it.
I walked away from the con circuit once before and now that it is becoming mixed with other local drama that I don’t give give a damn about. I’ll gladly walk the fuck away again. I don’t need other people. I’ll just do whatever the fuck is needed to do in my life. I don’t need this and my interest in the whole scene is waning anyways.
This cosplay crap stopped being fun as soon as it started. So I’m done. I need peace in my life not lame ass drama from insignificant people that aren’t even in the orbit of my life. Anyone that wants to play games? Yeah. Doors that way. I will protect the peace in my personal life by any means necessary.
Part of the reason I have always had a mercenary’s attitude about anything I’ve done in this life is because at the end of the fucking day it’s to protect myself. And needing anyone out there is simply too much of a liability. There are those I care about sure. But to involve myself with these losers, that was a ducking tactical mistake. I was fine doing my own thing alone. I don’t need anyone, and anything.
When something takes the joy out of my little Escapes in this world, I’ll simply pretend they don’t exist. Period.