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Wizard and Glass.

I don’t have or want to care. You chose your own drama. I don’t have any drama in my life because I choose not to have any in my life. When I let drama into my life all I had was misery. Now all I have is good elements in my life, id rather have the life I have now than trying to live up to some bullshit ideal from two decades ago. I’m good with my life as it currently is.  I absolutely refuse to let you or anyone ruin my peace. Dealing with downtown bullshit is so high school but it is the person you are. And it is not the person I am. I live larger. And I’m half a generation removed from all these pathetic losers you associate with.  When I chose to be with you I had my own path. I have my own path now. I don’t need to deal with your failures and anger about the world. I have my own. I’ll deal with my own.  Because I have good things in my life too.
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