There are things in my life i don't like and some peoples expectations of me are sometimes enough to set me on an even darker path than the one I am already on, sometimes when that happens i lash out in anger and wrath, that Is the person I am, i have so much bottled up and under control that when something happens that I can control in terms of relationships i do tend to go for the knee jerk reaction of standing alone and telling everyone else to fuck off... at this late stage of the game i don't have much need for emotional turmoil or bullshit and sometimes words cut deep and people don't realize just how deep. I know I am guilty of it too. but it is who I am, while I apologize for my actions and reactions, I will not apologize for who I am.. i have things in my life I hate but they are necessary evils until everything at the end of the game is done.... I fucking hate all this plastic shit cluttering up my house and i hate even more that my housekeeping skills suck.... on...