I am sick of looking out for other people, I have a few things i'd like to this year, but when i get demanding little cocksuckers i am doing major favors for demanding i give him fucking money when i haven't gotten to the fucking bank yet, it affects my veiw on a lot of things... i have no fucking time for all the turmoil in my fucking life to deal with self centered little assholes that are sitting there because i care about him and the welfare of his son to be taking abuse, yes, you helped me when i was working with my son, but i don't like being fucking taken advantage of when i have a little fucking extra scratch, i'm sitting there starving last week and this cocksucker borrows fucking money when i have it, and is demanding about it? I did this to protect myself and get my last months invested in my old place back and it seems as usual, when i fucking trust someone the knife goes into the back, but heres the fucking thing... I don't have to give over the apartme...