Why do you continue to be a part of my life when all I feel that you are doing is toying with me when you need attention or are in pain? You know I constantly burn for you but making me feel it agian hurts like hell. I can’t stay up all night waiting on you’re calls based on a promise of a text anymore. I know why you use them, so you can hide behind the impersonalness of them, it just makes me feel so fucking disposable.... ....and I am disposable to no one, least of all you. Your words may say otherwise but you’re actions the last few years prove otherwise. I had walked away, i was happy with my life, I had made peace with everything and now In the middle of the world still being in flames I don’t know how to fucking feel. Except I get the fucking feeling I am being toyed with. I am no ones playtoy. Maybe this is what you want me tearing myself up because of the way I feel for you, because I can’t fucking live without you, except there is this thing that slams down on...