There are things in this life that can't simply be cosmic coincidence at this point. things happen for a reason and weird little things that are unique happen for a reason too. it's definitly some kind of karmic retrubution at this point. i am still adjusting to the new enviorment and dealing with some issues of my own that surprise me that i still hold preconceptions and lingering resentments of the system but i am not surprised because i am aware of them and always intend to be the advocate i may have needed but did not feel i had. I feel like i'm both in my body and in an out of person experince watching in in these early days of this new envoirment. it's a weird sensation but not altogther unexpected. I am not sure i would want to do another 2 day shift agian but it was great experince and things are exactly where i want them to be even if i am exhausted. time for some time off finally and for me to get centered agian.
Current mood: spent.