I am starting to feel that hiding away any emotions or compassion is the best way to go in this world. i am feeling expected to be a drone and do what I'm told in every situtaion is the best way to go. at least that way I can't be blamed for having a free thinking mind... it's nice how i have become somehow souless in the persuit of this feild that now i don't care... the fire is starting to go out and i'm expecting the lone lingering flame that has kept me going to be completely snuffed soon. at least at this juncture in time I have other priorities.. y'know... such as breathing and keeping a roof over my head... and everythign else that comes with that.There's always the next step and at this point i'm starting to think i need to look towards. Seems like everything always turns coldest in Decemeber, maybe next year things will change, maybe next year i'll find some security in life, whatever.
Current mood: Positive.
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.