Twisted Sister - Be Cruel To Your School Uploaded by liceberg . - Watch more music videos, in HD! So the first day of school has come and gone and it is leaving me wondering exactly what i want to do and be in life, i am now questioning how much longer i want or need to be at a place where I am the first one called when someone is in a tight spot but the last one thought of when they have other's to take care of things, it's not frustrating enough that i am questioning my place other than a warm overnight body at this employment agian, but there is the whole fact that they make mistakes with pay and then try and fix it with no notice, if an employer fucks up one pay does he have the right to deduct from the next pay without warning? I tire of the cracks in the system and the problems this place has, i feel used and abused and overworked and overtired, and then i can't get a goddamn friday off with my kid? I fell into that trap once, it will not be happeneing agian, Time to...