The diffrences between the two jobs are becoming very clear to and are having the fact that I am really enjoying the one job becauise i feel i am making a diffrence and i am very solidly burning out at the other job isn't as surpsing as it should be, I lost another shift today because of someone else's stupidity on sunday morning in which i gained an hour but lost a shift, and the rules come and go at the house, at least when i worked at the other house the rules were solid... if you expect behavioral changes and to teach these kids how to be responsibile citixens have some consitensy in their programs and in their rules.... also be consitent with what each staff does with them, don't just leave it to whoever and then make staff scapegoats for the shift prior to theirs, i've had enough of that shit over the past two years, if it continues i will simply give notice and move on..there are other oppurtunities out there, and it's not like the loyalty i show to my employer is going two ways, I am just there now because they simply can't find anyone to replace me and is willing to do the long hours on short notice.
Current Mood: Happy, afterschool program was awesome.
Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -- or one that is conducive to loving-kindness.