One should not have to go into work exhausted and feeling sicker than a fucking dog, but of course calling in sick isn't an option until we got some new staff, but that in itself is a double edged sword as if they hire new people old people can be replaced, I wish I knew where i was headed with this job, it seems like every other day I end up second guessing myself and what's going on with these fucking kids, nothing like an all nighter last night just incase the fucking police call, I didn't sign up to be a goddamn security guard and that's all i feel I am becoming at this position, and as soon as they can find someone to replace me i'm getting the feeling they Might... I'm expendable, that much is becoming clear.
Current Mood: Aggravated
Co Bao: What mean expendable? Rambo: It's like someone invites you to a party and you don't show up. It doesn't really matter.