it's time to decide who i want to be for the rest of my life, i dont need all these things.. im going to keep whats important and keep and do the things that are most important for me and my family. it's time to sacrifice a few thingsa because i want better in my life. thats the reality of whats important at this point. im not going to just be surrounded by all these things i never use when there is something better out there for me to have.
I'm grateful for the moment i was that guy but the reality is i'm not that guy anymore, and the reality is i never was that guy, it was just a means to an end, a way to wage war, a way to survive aginast all odds. now the tables have turned and I'm happier without all that crap. there will always be remnants of each moment of my life but at this point, it's in my rear view mirror, all the bad memories and the bad people involved in the toy crap... it's not something i want brought forward in my life. i hated a lot of that, and it's still a means to and end but being able to use it to provide for those i want to is helpful. and for myself.
it's about more than that tho at this particular time, i need to make some sacrifices because it doesnt make sense to have so much junk when i can have nicer and better things in the scheme of things instead of things that are old and collect dust.
i dont need memories of another time, neither does He...i'm moving forward into next step in my life, all those things fall away...
Better things are coming ahead.
Current Mood: Positive
Current Music: Venom, Eminem