I should not be nostalgic for the bad old days. I don’t mean with her I just mean in general in points of my life. It was simply more interesting when I was struggling and didn’t have my shit together. Now it just seems like my life is status quo and while I do interesting shit there are days when the depression and tedious nature of the same day over and over agian. Just means that I’m going to be bored and not really feeling like I accomplished anything in my life or done anything of value. Both of which are not true but at this point in my life I highly doubt that anything fucking changes. It’s the same fucking moment every single fucking day, and it’s boring. That’s part of the appeal in looking Niagara bound, at least that’s the great unknown, what if I had settled down and become boring… I never wanted that life. But I’d have chose it for one reason and one reason alone. And it’s not much different than the life I have now. I know another reason I look back is I had a certain amo...