The frustrations continue, why is it that everytime i have something right going on in my life.. something else runs interference and fucks that all up.. what would it it take to just have the kid, the girl, the house, the car the job all come together at once.. ah yes i forgot... i'm not that person... it's not like the blaze of glory has passed me by... everything i wrote about.. expectations outlived... i'm trying to decide if thats a fucking good thing... right now it doesn't feel like it is so much... i am frustrated and the only i seem to escape it is at work which is another level of hell in and of itself. i loathe the current feeling... i hate everything right now and am so miserable it isn't funny... maybe i'll just go postal on this douche and not worry about having an apartment a kid or a job anymore.
Current mood: Depressed.
But it ain't that bad
Cause I'm homesick for the home I never had