I should not be living paycheque to paycheque and having to scrounge for food the last week the kind of hours i have been working... my paycheque today was ridiculous.... i work insane fucking hours... something's got to give.. if i have to go back to a fast food joint i will... what the fuck? speaking of which... some idiot from the place i used to work downtown called me today which is pretty fucked..... i'd rather busk all day then eat 100 dollars off each paycheque cuz someone fucked up his numbers thanks.... it seems any time things start turning positive and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel something else fucks up.. well at least right now all i see at the end of the darkness is more fucking darkness... hopefully the apartment on iverness turns out today but whatever.... it's all bullshit.. i'm right back to the fucking place i was 2 years ago where all i can afford is a shiity apartment cuz i have four hundred dollars in my pocket.... guess karma's a bitch.. this continues into christmas i have examining other options... I can't constantly deal with this shit,.
Current Mood: Frustrated.
Current Music: When I Grow Up, Pussycat Dolls.
Do or do not... there is no try.