One wonders what the next step will bring... at least as long as she who shall not be named plays ball i'll have little man for the weekend... which will make me happy... of course i might have to sarcifice some time at work but i'm not complaining... there is a reason i'm in St. Catherines trying to have an escape parachute.. i love my job but there has to be more out there for me.. i'm sick of being in a holding pattern, seems like everytime around samhain i tend to be in a holding pattern, just waiting for the next big thing... waiting for the job, or the girl, or the grades.. i am sick of it... i'm even more sick of the fact that as much i think i am making a diffrence and being a role model the more it seems i can't make any improvement it's time for me to start being proactive rather than reactive... for too long i have let the life pass me by without taking action... it's time to start being the person i was ten years ago... angry, passionate, willing to take risks... what the hell do i have to lose... when you have nothing there's nothing to lose...
Current Mood: Determined.
I take this key And I bury it in you
Because you're unforgiven too
Never free Never me
'cause you're unforgiven too