Not knowing where tommorow is going to take me isn't something new but the fact that I have to sit and wait and embrace the fact that everything past this moment is just unknown, and that until this is over other's maintain control of my destiny which is bullshit, but of course it's ultimately giving her exactly what she wants, and she knows exactly how to twist the screws, I honestly hope that the next step has her shown for the person she is and has me back to where i should be, as I am getting sick and tired of this cloak and dagger nonsense with these people and am starting to consider involving a lawyer.
Current Mood: Tired.
All men are sculptors, constantly chipping away the unwanted parts of their lives, trying to create their idea of a masterpiece.
Current Mood: Tired.
All men are sculptors, constantly chipping away the unwanted parts of their lives, trying to create their idea of a masterpiece.