You know it's not surprising the old security blanket, the Cobian jacket has come out of the closet once again in all this nonsense for days I go busking, It reminds me, that as much as i have tried to be for the past decade what counts as fucking baseline normal, i'm not, the normal guy never got the girl, the normal guy never had the fire in his eyes to fight back, what got me through college and my first two years of university wasn't the normal guy, I was hungry for revenge, I was hungry for change, back then i wanted to make change, I allowed myself and the people around me to shape me, make me a shadow of what I once was, would the pre-94,98/99,and 2002/3 versions of myself consider the person i was the last few years as anything more that a fat bloated sell out, I changed because OF A PERSON I NO LONGER HAD BUT ONE CONNECTION too. and there was no reason for the change, I stayed at a shit job, because i figured it was the one thing keeping her at bay.... but of course, all I was really doing was selling my soul for peanuts for the Inevitable day the end came, I think this was always a game-plan.. and it's like a nuclear holocaust to my life, I will survive it, for the sake of myself, my soul and My son i will survive it, but once again the battle has left me scarred and Angry.... this is a damn good thing, I'm hungry again, there's a fire in my belly again, sometimes starving has a very good reaction on you, it makes you think.. it makes your senses sharper, I see things with a new/old set of eyes, No longer will i sit around and let myself just be comfortable. there's too many things that are unjust in this world... it's time to attempt to change them agian, I'll start with the personal.....
Current Moood: Anger.
Once a man has seen society's black underbelly, he can never turn his back on it. Never pretend, like you do, that it doesn't exist
Current Moood: Anger.
Once a man has seen society's black underbelly, he can never turn his back on it. Never pretend, like you do, that it doesn't exist