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Ties that Bind...

Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend

One of the things that makes my life more bearable is that I have amazing fuckin friends, made even clearer by the last two weeks, the current wave of positivity I'm feeling was made possible by my best friend in the world, and I do mean that, it's epic this friendship has endured and even in our darkest hours it has endured, that means something, that means a lot. The fact that we have had amazing adventures together and done things in a matter of days most people hardly do in a lifetime, will always be things to treasure, but more than that his company, his jokes, looking over my shoulder at my best friend and constantly cracking wise will be missed for a while, but hopefully not for too long, it's time to make plans for a brighter future, I have options, more than I thought I did before, time to make use of some of them.... I would have the happy times, than dwell on anything else... These experiences and adventures keep me going.... I would rather be the happy go lucky guy I am around him exploring new things and having adventures than dwell on any darkness.... The fact he brings that out in me is an amazing thing and a miracle I am grateful for on a day like today.

Current Mood: Numb, I miss him already...

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . .


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