I let things happen in my life. I have no expectations or wants anymore. But things happen that are huge fucking memories because I am a good person and I try to treat those I love with respect and they do the same for me. There was only one person missing yesterday and I know he would have loved to watch Yankees and baseball history with me. Things like that only happen once in a century. I’m comfortable with my place in life, and I’m happy that my freind and my family were at that game to see baseball history happen in front of our eyes. The only thing missing was the one part of my family I’m always missing. The fact that Joshua is a Yankees fan too is another twist of the knife. But that’s how things are right now. Maybe one day they will change. But right now I’m living my life and enjoying the things I have and the things I do. That’s all that is important. I deal with my current responsibilities, try to attempt to deal with my past responsibilities and just live my life and be a...