I am happy. I have good friends and a decent life. I get to do amazing things and I don’t always have to do them with selfish people that only think of themselves. Just remember, friend, if I get fucking distant, there is a reason for that. I have a decent life, and I do what I want the same as I always have. But I don’t forget or forgive betrayal easily. Just because you’ve been a constant in my life, doesn’t mean you can or will be there tomorrow. There are people in my life that have always had my back and will continue to so… and I have amazing times… and there are friends and family that feel like an albatross around my neck. If my complicate my life or those I care about, it will be like you never even existed. No photographs, no memories. Nothing. I’d rather have fun with actual friends and people who don’t have a hidden agenda or simply use me as a fair weather friend to whatever end. I’m too old for that shit. I’m either having fun with you or I’m going to th...