How many times you imagined my betrayal. How willing you were to think the worst of me. Why aren't you happier? I'm just being whom you've always thought I was. I'm giving you the ending you believed in.
I am convinced that I am starting to self destruct without even thinking about it. You’re old behaviours are instilled in me and I’m becoming someone darker than I want to be. Something to be feared agian. This relationship with alcohol has to be re-examined as I’m not the happy go lucky guy at the bar. I’m the demon drinking to get black out drunk. It’s been a long time since I felt the need to be him on a regular basis.
I live my life, by my own choices and my own place in this world. But I don’t see the point of pretending that I’m perfect anymore. I take care of my responsibilities and I drown my demons once in a while that’s all I am anymore.