I sit here and I don’t know what the next step in my life is. I’ve settled into a creature comfort where it’s status quo but it’s not my life. I’m just doing the right thing to escape drama and to not be in same old behaviours and traps. This has been a harder winter than most. And a lot of fucking things are being established. I know my worth, I know the worth of those around me and who I chose to have in my life. The problem is, I’m not sure who is currently on the level and cares and who is a means to there own end.
My life doesn’t stop when certain people are involved in my life for a hot minute. I still have to deal with the day to day of taking care of another person I care about… and I have responsibilities to others whether she likes it or not…I know for sure I sure as hell don’t.
That being said. I do for the people that have always have had my back. That’s my word. That’s what loyalty is.
Some of the people in orbit around my solar system should eventually realize that before they just simply become a constellation.