Sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem and my veiws on things are changing.. opinions and veiws are not being compromised but i am starting to see the reasons and the whys for my ways as well as for the ways of others that may conflict with my world veiw in terms of employment. little things like this morning make me grateful for what i have at home in terms of my well behaved if mischevious son and his playful nature that is never angry or intenionally malignant. i had a great weekend with him even if i am a little tired today, it's amazing how even when he tires me out all weekend i can go to work recharged and be ready to do my job. I miss him already.. He got a new pirate ship this weekend... we spent most of saturday building the flying dutchman and it only takes him 5 minutes to pull it apart... gotta love lego...
Current Mood: Needed.