the Temptaion to go home was a little much for my little one at camp, it's not like i live across the street or anything but the camp director suggested that next year I get a one to one support worker for him in the program because thursday and friday he kept trying to sneak out and go home.... Of course, he wants to hang out with his daddy.. if he felt strongly enough about it he could have just asked to go home... i do live across the street.. he knows how to get there on his own. I feel that they didn't recognize the fact i was a single parent with him for a week of access either... if he wants to go home call me.. don't assume he has behavioral issues. I'm not going to ostracize him by having him placed with a one to one worker if there is no need... maybe next year we will go to a diffrent camp.. kinda sucks that they suggested that the christmas camp was a bad idea but you know what if i'm going to get that kind of attitude i'd rather he not attend anyway...