So you've gotten a fucking taste of my world and you retreat into your good old self preservationist behaviors deluding yourself into a fantasy world that doesn't really exsist... explains why you are no longer on facebook and why I am your ultimate fear, because I've lived with the demons and the violence all my life, you can't even deal with it once. You're ideallic fairytale life is for you only and you don't realize how it is affecting our son, at least when he's with me he's protected from everything threats both pyshcical or otherwise.. if you were with him when you were attacked what would you do? I know... have the clone trooper get his ass kicked fighting his way out of a wet paper bag and this is the man you have around to raise our child with you? At least when he's with me he's learning not to be afgraid and to defend himself from people, I swore when i grew up i would never allow my child to be raised by a single mother, and or be an abusive father but of course you took the choice away from me with your lunatic fringe... and then you are having motherfucking crazies around my son, don't look to me for sympathy if anything ever happens to you or our son and i use to take him away from you permanently, other than Him in this point in my life you have nothing i want, you're a used up old ragdoll that plays mindgames and preys on other peoples emotions, i learned not to trust you a long time ago..... you've had to live in my world for a weekend, I've lived in it my entire fucking life and i never want to see my son exposed to it, and if I have my way he won't be.
Current Mood: Annoyed.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.