..and your really good feelings and emotions this week will be interrupted by some beracauatic Nonsense, gotta love how I'm back to work full time and because Someone else did something I'm not responsible for I might not be eligibale for assitance to get my criminalr ecord revoked and or my driver's license, so i can pay taxes when i'm working but when i ask for a teeny tiny bit of assitance back i get nothing, of course we can take care of terrorist tamil tiger's when they arrive on a fucking boat, but goddamnit i was born here what the fuck? I want to work, i want a better job, I'm sick of people hiding behind red tape and bullshit, it's not like living from paycheque to paycheque on can afford to do all these wonderful things on no money, i have to keep my kid fed... maybe i should just claim Disabilty and develop an addiction then these bleeding heart idiots might want me back on my feet and doing something with my life, or i can even become homeless and they will help me get somewhere to sleep instead of a grate out there in the wintertime, the way these assholes are going the next time i'm laid off if it's mid winter i'll be fucking homeless, then they can help me get off my feet.. what good is it being employed and educated in this country when you are better off with a fucking needle in your arm, a crack pipe in one hand and a bottle of cheap booze in the other, at least that way the social safety nety might give you some assitance, but no be a hard worker who get's laid off for a few months? the goverment will bend over backwards to fuck you over. don't even get me started on the fact that just as soon as i deliver a package asking for some economic assitance that all of a sudden my file is on hold due to red tape because someone forget to talk to someone else...... maybe I would be better off homeless... I make more money an hour busking anyways.
Current Mood: Fucking goverment ruined my Mellow.
The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.