It's interesting who is around and me and who is not and how they are examples of the relfected self that I could have been and possibly have been in the past... i don't talk and joke around about my ethics and ideals, they are a part of me... i may walk the darker path, and i see the things that i have internalized and made a part of me and some of those things aren't entirely likable but i'd rather be dark and anti social and always fucking cynical than accept anything at face value, i have always had to fight for my place in this world, this is not a surprise... recently i just have to fight harder...normally distractions i would have once ignored suddenly become something i have to acknowledge with distaste but I would be a lesser person if i wasn't the man i AM. there's no point at looking at others and trying to remember who i was, i'm still that person, those decisions are made and are long behind me.. it just saddens me when i see people i care for and people I hate still making stupid, and in some cases angry and vindictive decisions that will destroy them in the eventual long run. i just have to remind myself that I am not them and not internalize their petty bullshit and remind myself I am ME, I am above them, and I will prove that.... I am too the point in my life where I do not need to get involved with nonsense, i have real world problems and petty nonsense is what people do for revenge and to get even... I don't feel any of that for anyone... I should But i Don't. There is no time in this world for anger, Only for Action.
Current Mood: Determined.
Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.