The darkest places of my mind are often not somewhere i should be dwelling but it seems recently that these are the places that give me comfort and hope and they remind me that even in the worst of times i can escape from whatever demon is troubling me... I just have to wait and show the patience that i have always had. A quiet man plots quietly and doesn't make a sound. I am sick of the fact that all my forced upon me for conformity was for nothing, and the fact that All i have in this life that i have sacrificed for is temporarily gone... Of course all of those things are material there is only one legacy, one thing that will remain of me when I am gone... and he is worth fighting any demon and any battle... I just wish the road wasn't so goddamn Long.
Current Mood: Determined.
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.