I am once again bored by the constant nothingness in my life, I know who and what has caused this massive amount of blackness in my life and I almost think that it is almost not worth it to fight things correctly... it would be so much easier to provide an answer with my fists or a weapon but then that would make me the weaker man, and that's not the person I am, I despise the fact that i have to bide my time and turn the other cheek and just wait, when what's left of my life is crumbling and In shambles, At least I have enough entertainment at home i can just fade a way for a few days, hours or whatever and pretend that the outside world doesn't exist, But then again I wake up every morning knowing that it's a new day and today nothing will change, I just have to wait for the morning when I know that their will be changes, and Judgement.
Current Mood: Angry.
There is darkness inside all of us, though mine is more dangerous than most. Still, we all have it—that part of our soul that is irreparably damaged by the very trials and tribulations of life. We are what we are because of it, or perhaps in spite of it. Some use
it as a shield to hide behind, others as an excuse to do unconscionable things. But, truly, the darkness is simply a piece of the whole, neither good nor evil unless you make it so. It took a witch, a war, and a voodoo queen to teach me that.