it's not the biggest victory in the world but it is a minor victory that will lead to bigger and better things, and it shows that when i can put my mind to something i can accomplish it and sitting around surround by my apathy and depression are not always the best ways to deal with things, face i'm an asshole and I'm a fighter, I'd rather tackle something head on and fight and not really give a fuck what other people think of me, at this point of my life i have nothing to prove to anyone.. it's time to do what's right and to be the most viscous person in the world when it comes to accomplishing my goals... It's sad that i didn't sleep a lot last night because i was thinking about things and where i stood in this world, I fought for everything i have ever had, i fought to be in my program for college, i fought to stay in the program and get good grades and i had to fight to get to university and to find a good fucking job. I've had an ongoing battle since 2004 with one who has wounded me more than humanly possible and it's a never ending battle, but it is one I can never let her win.. If she defeats me she takes everything and I am so much without her than i ever was with her... she is not the person that defines my life, that little person is.. and as long as i have that until he becomes of age to make decisions for himself i have to the one looking out for his best interests because it's obvious she isn't....I have no problem being a solider, i always have been... this is war... and it's a war of attrition, one little victory on one day will lead to larger victory's on the battlefield, as long as i keep in mind who is most important i will eventually be fine.
Current Mood: Determined.
Rather he consoled himself with the fact that, in the real world, when he looked closely into the darkness he might find the presence of a light, damaged and bruised, but a little light all the same.