having to go hat in hand begging to the lowest common denominator of the government today and spill all the facts out on the table about why i am a highly skilled member of the workforce but i cannot currently go back to employment was probably one of the most embarrassing things in my lifetime... i will not forget how i was made to feel today, it's fucking ridiculous what i have to do to keep a roof over my head and keep that little man's room in one piece so when he does come home, he comes home to the place he knows and loves... i will not sacrifice that for anything.... as long i do the right things and keep my head up high and not let myself be destroyed i will be fine.. i can survive.. i always have, when i set my mind to something nothing not even the gods themselves can stop me.... and i will nto be denied final victory....
Current Mood: Depressed.
There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept