So all the piles of fucking garbage are gone and I am one step closer to divorcing myself from this mess of an income the last year has wraught, it has served it's purpose but it is time for it to be done, the fact that while yesterday payment was upfront and apprecited it clouded over the fact that other payment's are still owing which is a fucking joke... it's all about what the hell can you do for me lately, and it no longer serves my purposes minus the last big payout in a week or so... there are too many smoke and mirror games going on and I am still feeling very much taken advantage of and it's time for me to focus on the things that are important i have a war and a battle to fight and this is becoming more of distraction, I have real issues that are taking precidence, and they are frustrating as well.. i mean some so called cop has PTSD? What the fuck have my last few years been? I mean I grew up in the system in a warzone... and because of some fake and pathetic...