One's notorious lack of patinece with the world is flaring up agian, i am starting to wonder about my job and why i bother.. it's not like i have a little one at home that has a birthday and christmas coming up.. i mean why the hell does someone who was sick get to fucking steal my shifts? i give up my kid on the weekend to have that shift and a day beforehand someone fucking decides that he's going to take it instead? between that the politics, the fact that i feel some of the clients rights get infridged on and the whole bullshit nature of the job.. i mean i love being a CYW but i need some job security ive been there a year and ive been five minutes away for almost every call in shift... i havent taken more than one week off that whole time and there is absolutley no job secruity.. and worse it is affecting my son.. i don't give a fuck about the finacals but when it starts to affect my little boy i get concerenced and even worse when I coul;d have him this weekend but the pay isn't out until saturday thats even more fucktarded... i need to find something else and soon... i can't be eating kraft dinner and beans from the food bank 2 days before my pay every cheque this is getting ridilous.
Current mood: Frustrated.
Build my fear of what's out there
Cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?