One needs to start seriously persuing his career and attempting to get a position with the children's advocate a little bit more... when one's radar is going off and his moral center is bothering him one has no resort than to have a very strong backbone and account for a serious injustice when someone else is being shortsided in terms of ones rights.... i am glad that i got that off my chest and made sure i was in the right before i reported it to my boss... but i'm glad that i did... people i feel that take to many liberites with the job need to have a system of control in place... not much has chenged in about 20 years that much is becoming evident.... even as part of the system i still feel some of the things that are wrong with the system happen, which is ridiculous..... hopefully i can make for a little change esp. when i am willing to fight for my morals, judgements and beliefs.
if somethigns wrong, Right it.
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently” Nietzsche
Current Mood: Positive.
Current Music: Lady Marmalade, Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mýa, and Pink