..... the bullshit continues.. at this point i don't care anymore.. if my son is going to suffer if i get another job i am thinking am going to give notice at my current job.. if you want me to work weekends and then when i have made fucking arrangements to be availible and given up the last 2 months of weekends with my son i think it's time for a carrer change... i'm am not waisting my talents, my time or my stress levels with this mickey mouse organization if this nonsense is going to continue.. i can't live on 13 fucking hours a paycheque.. i might as well not even be working... fucking clowns...i'm sick of the politics and nonsense anyways and i have other options...time to start exploring them, hopefully the Ymca or oznam house in toronto will be the next fucking option cuz my current employment is a joke and i'm seriously starting to feel that more harm than good is being done when it comes to the staff and money matters around it.... i'm sick of biting my lip and sacrifining my ethics too...
Current Mood: Frustrated
Yesterday man,
I was a nihilist and
Now today I'm
Just too fucking bored