I am getting sick of the politics at work... the games are driving me nuts and you have to wonder why the kids are getting worse instead of better.. of course there own behaviors don't help there cause much but when it is transparent the reason why they are having issues because of some political whim and struggle for domination between the senior staff and two different viewpoints on how kids should be treated and whats allowed... I'm thinking this is not condusive to their emotional well being. of course I'm just a lowly grunt and not really entitled to my opinion i should just be glad i have a job right.... i need to stop taking this shit personally at every level, when and if i have the oppurtunity to walk away from this it has to be for the right reasons not because I'm feeling claustrophobic.
Current Mood: Disillusioned.
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.