I don't know what to believe in anymore... i am getting increasingly frustrated with the nonsense at work and the political bullshit and the back biting... i should have my paycheque in hand today and it's nonexistent... fucking ridiculous.. at least theres another option later this week at the downtown Y? i dunno.. too many things to be pissed at currently... fucking ex and her nonsense... the fact i can't afford to give little man a decent Xmas without stretching my budget and wallet to the limit... what the fuck is with employment when i was able to do a better Christmas for my child on welfare living in Thorold than being employed in Hamilton.... i should not have to be selling possessions like my Ps2/x box's etc just to survive and have nice things for him and his birthday.... yes i don't play with them as much anymore and little man has his Wii... but whatever i shouldn't be buying his birthday present with money from that? then again it's not like i can see my little man when i want to either.. seeing how she's again decided that I'm a nonexistence part of his life... what the fuck? if i have the weekend off and my next scheduled weekend im working you can't even be bothered to pick up the fucking phone and have an intelligent discourse with me? what the hell? and i was once in love with this woman and had a child with her? i don't know where 2010 is taking me but i'm hoping there are some changes agian... i need consistency in my life not nonsense and i am sick of just hanging on for dear life...
Current mood: Depressed.
Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel