This day just get's more and more interesting, why does it seem like their are two diffrent paths and fighting idealogies and i have to play Solomon and respect both warring idealogies... no wonder if get so let down and frustrated by my job, i have to have the wisdom and patience for all of this and when i am constantly getting mixed signals and there is no true leader it's pretty fucking frustrating, pretty sad that these kids are possibly seen by my co-workers as throwaway kids, even sadder is the fact that i can't afford to lose this job to survive if i had the authority to say something, i think it's time to start making a personal log of everything i see that isn't correct according to the ministry and everytime someone crosses a line either professionally or personally, i feel a little about my job right now but i still can't see the blackness of yesterday.
Current Mood: Confused.
Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing