So anyways, yesterday wasn't a complete Clusterfuck... sometimes things happen and there is no explanation for behaviors, considering my profession this shouldn't come as a surprise that my own child might have a mood swing once in a blue moon, hopefully this week he will be happier and it will be less cold, you can't stay angry forever or it will rot you from the inside out, you have to find peace with this life and the things that you can and cannot control, I am learning new things everyday when it comes to seeing things thru the eyes of children. certian things i still cannot stand are all around me, but sometimes there is quiet bueaty about the way that the innocent handle being upset and adversity.
Current mood: At Peace.
Yang cannot exist by itself; it can exist only when it is supported by yin. Hence yin is the foundation of yang. Similarly, yin cannot alone manifest itself; it can manifest itself only when accompanied by yang. Hence yang is the expression of yin. Yang controls the origination and enjoys the completion [of things] while yin follows the way [yang produces] and completes the work of yang.