how the hell can one be blamed for the lack of responsibilty of others? I am getting serious fucking fed up with the fact that as hard as I do my job, when it all comes apart due to the actions of other's i get blamed for said person being late, excuses, excuses, excuses, it's all i hear, never a fucking apology. I am sick of taking shit for things that are not my fault or the kids. I am really sick of the fucking nonsense. this planned vacation to Windsor is now needed when originally it was an act of rebellion because i wan't getting shifts, but now i'm going, i'm considering not coming back. I was happier there. it's really frustrating when you don't want to go to work because of Nonsense. It's even more frustrating when i am watching my life's goal turning into shit. there comes a point when one has to decide if the home that you work in that is supposed to protect children is doing more harm than good due to the actions of adults employed there, and weather or not i want this fucking stink on me anymore, when people can't do there jobs correctly and always find a fucking scapegoat, whther it be a co-worker or a child there is something wrong with the system, the fire is slowly going out agian... I don't trust anyone and i'm fed up, more harm than good is happening, we aren't simply warehousing these kids for the sake of the almighty dollar, and that's wrong.
Current Mood: Fed up
Current Music: Road to Nowhere. Ozzy.
If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all