I have a good life and good friends. and i wouldn't change that for anyone anymore. i don't need anyone that doesn't want to be involved in my life. friends or family. period. i have and will walk away from friendships over 20+ years if i feel slighted. and i give no fucks. i have plans for this summer? do u know how people will gladly take those tickets? yeah. i have my ride or die people. I'm going to stick with them.
Dumbledore is the professor i should have been in a past life and i am comfortable in my skin. I'm able to be happy and
ignore problems and the real world for a few hours in that outfit. its an act but it is a very real reflection of who i should have been.
My world is big and reflects who i am now. i am not waiting on anyone.
As for people that are full of jealousy and Drama in the community, theres a reason i stand apart. i walked away once because of politics. i can easily do it again, but for the moment I'm having fun.. but I'm not tolerating bullshit either. I've dropped friends and family Cold and never spoke to them Agian, you think i care about hurting some plastic peoples feelings?
I will always have an interesting life and do awesome fucking things. i don't care who is in orbit or isn't. you're either part of my life or you are not or you're in my way... stand clear.. I'm gonna have fun. and if get in my way, that light at the end if the tunnel might just be a freight train coming your way...