I do not need your fucking nonsense about how poor you are and how much you can't afford to do xmas and his birthday because you only make 100 thousand fucking dollars a year, i have to live in a city i fucking hate, with a job that is probaly going to knock several fucking years off my life and leave me with PTSB, experince flashbacks everyday and only get minimum wage, I can barely pay my fucking rent but i've got to deal with your sob stories about shit.... i really think you need to examine you're fucking head and stop being so greedy, there is a reason why i have now planned to get him most of his big ticket toys at my house, i'm sick of you, your personailty and your selfishness, there's a reason we could never work, you are too much about yourself and too be damned with anyone else, it's all about you, anyone else around you even your son is just a goddamn possesion, and the diffrence between you and me is that i'm not like that, and I never will be, it's nice to have things but not at the expense of my soul and my artistic endeavors, i won't ever be like you Ever, you are not the type of person I like and looking back i can't understand why I was ever with you, of course i was young and niave and thought everyone has some good in them, now I know that's not true.
Current Mood: Pissed Off
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.