This morning was the last final fucking straw, I cannot fucking deal with the verbal abuse from the clients when it's fucking obvious that I am not being supported by management, you can see from behaviors when something is about to escelate and there is no fucking attempt at deesclitation afterwards, i'm just a fucking overnight placeholder, I might as well be working in a fucking daycare, nothing i say or do matters, there's no point, we are simply warehousing these fucking kids until they end up in thorold or barton, I can't care because No one else does, esp. my boss... When i try and deal with it with management i get the typical reponse that's it's not so bad? It is fucking bad, you leave staff wide open for verbal abuse and accusations, but of course it's all good because we have to coddle these kids and make sure they are happy and toilet trained and keep the money flowing in right? I'm not seeing any of that cheedar so i'm gonna have a fucking opinion, you can't placate someone on Mininum Wage at full time even, I know my skills are worth more than that. there is a letter being written to upper mangement about what's going on behind them fucking doors.. and i don't care if you don't get fucking wind of it until afterwards... and i'm pretty set on a quitting date, It get's to a fucking point where i have to put my ethics and ideals first before i end up burned up and useless and i totally lose the fucking spark that makes me forget why i wanted to be a child and youth worker in the first place, you want the bones from my back take em, but when you go after my heart and soul, i'm fucking done.
Current Mood: Frustrated.
The difference between insane asylums and our schools is that in the insane asylum you have to show some improvement before you can get out.