I have picked a date and i think i'm going to quit on that day, i tried speaking to management about the issues this morning and my response was it's not that bad, No, it's not, if the Inmates are running the fucking Asylum and have carte blanche, but when i am going home stressed, depressed and suicidal and i know other staff are as well, it's fucking bogus... you want to coddle kids, open a fucking daycare... I am sick of it and certian other staff aren't helping either by maing the full time staff's job harder, little things like letting the kids use blue boxes for snow forts on garbage day, do you know what it's like to have to clean up a wet snowy garbage bin outside at 5am because the clients dumped it due to lack of supervision and/or the staff member who was in just not giving a shit? it's little things and it's the fact that no one cares about anything in management, i know I was heard this morning when i was making money about the food budget this morning, which is fucking sad, althought i don't like these kids wasting food, it's sad that food waste is what get's managements attention and not behaviors and lack of everything.
Current Mood: Depressed.
All you need to start an insane asylum is an empty room and the right type of people