It is awesome to have delayed my christmas by a few days and actually having the time to see my family and freinds and little mans cousins and people i care about and spend time with them instead of trying to cram santa into a coupe of days off from work, working the long shift and then taking almost a whole week off works so much better, I am happier than i have been in years and it seems everything is finally working out and i am finding some balance in my life, it's very clear what i need to take a step back away from and or remove myself from but you know what my next shift is the new year and i can give it fresh eyes and a new start... today's not about that, it's about being around my son and him being around the people we both care about.. he's such a good little role model around his little four year old cousin.... she's wilder than he is.
Current Mood: Cloud 9.
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.